Ankara plaza, block B, 147, Chankaya, Ankara Turkey


Fertility Preservation

Fertility preservation is becoming increasingly vital in reproductive medicine, offering individuals and couples the opportunity to safeguard their ability to have biological children in the future. This is particularly crucial for cancer patients undergoing treatments that may cause infertility, those with genetic conditions that lead to early infertility, and individuals who wish to delay parenthood for personal or career-related reasons.

There are various fertility preservation methods tailored to an individual's situation and reproductive goals. These methods include egg freezing, sperm freezing, and embryo freezing.

Egg freezing, or oocyte cryopreservation, is a method commonly used by women who are undergoing treatments like chemotherapy, those with low ovarian reserve, those at risk of early menopause due to genetic conditions or family history, those with ovarian diseases such as endometriosis, or those who wish to delay childbearing for personal or professional reasons. The process involves stimulating the ovaries with hormones to produce multiple eggs, which are then retrieved, frozen, and securely stored for future use in IVF.

Sperm freezing involves collecting and preserving a man’s sperm in a laboratory, where it can be stored and later thawed for use in future IVF treatments. This method is particularly important for men who want to have children later in life, those seeking to protect their fertility from the effects of treatments like chemotherapy or surgery on the reproductive system, those with low sperm counts, or those with a family history of male infertility.

Embryo freezing, or embryo cryopreservation, involves freezing embryos that are created through IVF for future use. After fertilization, the embryos are cultured in a laboratory until they reach a specific developmental stage, at which point they are frozen using a technique called vitrification. This process ensures that the embryos remain viable for years, retaining their potential to result in a successful pregnancy when thawed and used in a future IVF cycle.

Prof. Dr. Emre Pabuccu strongly encourages individuals and couples to consider fertility preservation through egg or embryos freezing before undergoing gynecological surgeries such as  endometrioma. He also advises women with low ovarian reserve or a family history of early menopause to explore fertility preservation options. At Centrum clinic, sperm freezing is a standard practice for men dealing with severe male infertility, including conditions such as cryptozoospermia (extremely low sperm count). 

Contact us today to explore our fertility preservation options and secure your reproductive potential for the future.





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